Sabtu, 03 September 2011

something bout you

sebenernya gue mau ngaku, kalo gue lagi deket sama cowo..
orang yng gak eksis sih.. tapi yakali aja jadi bisa eksis kalo gue pamerin disini haha orangnya sih biasa aja (baca: BIASA!!) sebenernya sih gak gitu juga soalnya asli dia baik banget sama gua.. kalo sama lo ya gaktau ya
intinya gitudeh.. gue cuma posting sesuatu aja biar blog gua gak keliatan sepi sepi amat.. ya gak? ahaha
pokoknya yaa walaupun belom jadian.. gue ulangin ya sekalian gue capslock juga bold kalo gue sama dia itu BELUM jadian.. tapii dia bilang sih sayang banget gak pake aja ke gue..dan ini serius, gue jadi rada sayang juga dan sudah agak terbiasa sama dia, somethimes suka kangen juga sih :D
then gue mau bikin puisi dadakan buat dia haha jangan kaget gua jadi rada putis gitu a.k.a gue rada jago gombal loooh :D

hey youu.. people over there..
people who always looking for me..
people who always say that he missed me
people who always smile to me and listen what i say no matter what the topic
people who always make me thinking about him every single time
people who always hug me in the good time and say that he loves me
people who always know what should he does when i get angry
people who can make me know, the relationSHIT is nothing if i can be close to him :)
thank you dear, now.. i love you too
but this is not the right time for make some promise for a RelationSHIT like you want to
miss you, hunn :)

kaget gak gue bisa romantis pas pasan? hahaaha yng gak kaget, kaget dong biar seru dikit..
thanks, btw udah mau baca yaaaws
loves, princessbellaws

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